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Houdini 13 Problem with cloth object on water (flip tank)


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Hello ,


I'm brand new in Houdini. I start learn how to simulate for example box doping to water. And i get an idea , box drop to water (flip tank)  , next to that object on water is grid (cloth object) , and i want to simulate changes on that object when box is making wave (when he drop in). Can someone tell me how connect my information from fliptank  (liquid forces etc.) to my cloth ? Information change by cloth and box working fine , but don't got idea how make that cloth look like cloth object on water.  Or maybe someone know nice example how cloth object can swim on flip tank surface ( and change on waves etc) .


I was try find some info on internet , but wasn't saw any similar (maybe somewhere it is , i don't find it :( ) , so if you got some links to any tutorials in that subject i will be glad to get them. 

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