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Using a frame of a .Bgeo pyro sim to begin a new simulation


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Hey guys, I am doing a project for school and I have come aross a somewhat interesting problem.  I Have rendered out a pyro sim as .bgeo files, I would like to freeze the last one (carry it over for several frames) and then appy different forces to it to make the smoke get sucked into a different shape.  I assume this is possible as it will not require any of the velocity/other simulation information that would have been lost in baking the original pyro sim to .bgeo, please correct me if I'm wrong :) I am very new to Houdini and I am teaching it to myself as I go (not covered in class)! Will I need to manually add new channels for velocity information?


Thanks guys! 

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If you want the last frame to be completely static, then start to be affected by the new force. I suppose the primary field you need is just the 'Density'.

Though, for the smooth transition(if needed), keeping vel and temperature fields would be nice, which you can always partially use, like having it 0.1 value or something.


It depends on the art direction you want to go for, whether or not you need to add the new channel for other fields. If you want your 'static' smoke to be 100% affected by the new force, I guess it won't need the initial velocity, though some temperature(depends).

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Hey guys, I am doing a project for school and I have come aross a somewhat interesting problem.  I Have rendered out a pyro sim as .bgeo files, I would like to freeze the last one (carry it over for several frames) and then appy different forces to it to make the smoke get sucked into a different shape.  I assume this is possible as it will not require any of the velocity/other simulation information that would have been lost in baking the original pyro sim to .bgeo, please correct me if I'm wrong :) I am very new to Houdini and I am teaching it to myself as I go (not covered in class)! Will I need to manually add new channels for velocity information?


Thanks guys! 


 you can do something like this using checkpoint files.  sim out your sequence with "save checkpoints" on on your dopnet.  I recommend using a small checkpoint length (this is the total number of checkpoint files which exist at one time),  as the checkpoint files get large.  Then you can pick up a second sim from where the first one left off by setting the initial state to the checkpoint file from the first sim..  then animate the values you want to change from the first sim.  Just be sure to make the dopnets identical,  otherwise the checkpoint file won't work (identical aside from the animated value you want to change).



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