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Surface Turbulence explain?

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Interesting approach to populating the low fluid sim surface area with additional particles and then surface. That this is synthesizing temproally coherent detail on top of a low resolution sim. It isn't resolving simulation data but interpreting the results and using a clever algorithm to add additional synthetic detail.


It has that ringing look that our first particle fluid surfacer had. It does move well as the fluid simulation progresses. This alone makes it quite interesting.


The real issue is how to simulate much larger fluid simulations on regular workstations to get real simulation detail without running out of memory. H15 should go a long way to allowing you to run much higher resolution simulations on the same given hardware from H14.


Every step has it's own headaches to achieve a final look. Adding up res steps do work but take time and resources. A lot of disk resources. Pyro has the upres workflow but it isn't used that frequently since we improved the performance of Pyro so you can run much higher resolutions and generate detail through the base simulation.

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thank you very much!


I quite agree with you, and I believe H15 is much powerful, I`m waiting October 5 to see more detail about H15.


but I`m very interesting on every new technology, I just want know how it works.






Interesting approach to populating the low fluid sim surface area with additional particles and then surface. That this is synthesizing temproally coherent detail on top of a low resolution sim. It isn't resolving simulation data but interpreting the results and using a clever algorithm to add additional synthetic detail.


It has that ringing look that our first particle fluid surfacer had. It does move well as the fluid simulation progresses. This alone makes it quite interesting.


The real issue is how to simulate much larger fluid simulations on regular workstations to get real simulation detail without running out of memory. H15 should go a long way to allowing you to run much higher resolution simulations on the same given hardware from H14.


Every step has it's own headaches to achieve a final look. Adding up res steps do work but take time and resources. A lot of disk resources. Pyro has the upres workflow but it isn't used that frequently since we improved the performance of Pyro so you can run much higher resolutions and generate detail through the base simulation.


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