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POP interact provides less control in most recent Houdini versions


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I'm new to Houdini and follow a basic tutorial for Houdini 9, though my version is 14.0.444


In it, a source of particles was created. Y component of velocity of each particle was set to zero. Then modelled mice were added to particles with POP instance. To prevent mice from colliding each other, the author used POP Interact with a force of 100. It made some mice fly in the air after collision.


In Houdini 9, it was possible to set vector of force in POP interact to (100,0,100), which solved the issue. In Houdini 14, I can only set the magnitude of this vector. So, mice particles either penetrate each other, or fly in the air.


POP speed limit also works with magnitude only.


Does axis speed limit exist in newer versions of Houdini?





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Is it possible to use Python instead of VEX for this purpose?


I know, how to create Python SOPs. But File->New Operator Type/Python Type doesn't list "Particle Operator" in "Network Type" list.

Edited by Yorkst
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