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Beter way to create a flat piece in a curve


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Hey everybody, 


I'm currently stuck, I would like to create a flat piece in a curve that I can move up and down without that the angle of the curves changes. Right now it changes the angle when I'm moving the flat piece up or down.This is what I currently have, I feel like I'm not approaching it in a right way. If somebody could help me out or give a tip that would be awesome. 





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Sorry to be so unclear, I'm currently trying to create a landing of a staircase out of one simple line without changing the beginning point or the end point.

It would also be nice if the angle of the line between point 2 & 3 and the line between point 1 & 0 also doesn't change. Only the line between 1 & 2 can move up and down along with an angle. 

I'm currently trying to come up with a new way to realizing this. 


Green = original line
step 1 - red - add a straight line to the top and the bottom
step 2 - blue - connect the top line with the bottom line
step 3 - light blue - split it in half
step 4 - black - find the shortest path to the beginning and the end of the original line 
With this I can adjust the length of the landing by adjusting the length of the red line and the height with the light blue line.
Hopefully this is clear now. Do you think this is the way to go?
Edited by X0RD
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well you could move the mid segment and achieve your goal I think, you just have to move it diagonally.

I would suggest a linear interpolation, or lerp() between the centroid of the lower pink polygon and the centroid of the upper one.

So basically first more the middle segment to 0,0,0 and then set it to a value between both centers of the pink edges.


alternatively you can slide each point along the dark blue edge, as long as both dark blue edges have the same length

Edited by acey195
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