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multiverse for Houdini


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Hello there Houdini masters,
I'd like to share some basic videos that illustrate "multiverse for Houdini".
In case you don't know what multiverse is:
So, back to the videos, here is what I am showing:
1. mfh_UI.mov
Here I am just showing the additional nodes and UI extension to the Houdini Alembic tools (basically the "revision" parameter).
2. mfh_example
Here you can see a simple example of storing multiple revisions in the same abc files. You can also see that things work as expected when rendering with Mantra (with motion blur) and that you can swap revisions pretty much interactively.
3. houdini_velocityblur_varying_topology
I think the fie name says it all, this is a simple splash sim (outputted with the regular Alembic ROP -- since this was done before multiverse for Houdini existed) with velocity blur. We show that this cache contains velocity informations and we save this to ABC and want to bring it in Maya and render it in Maya+3Delight in the next step.
4. mfm_velocity_blur_from_houdini
Here we read the ABC cache generated in the previous video with multiverse for Maya. We render it in Maya with 3Delight, and we match the velocity motion blur of Mantra, because the units are different we also scale the velocity via a custom attribute we added to 3delight for Maya.
That's it. Any questions, mail me directly, or mail support@j-cube.jp
May the od|force be with you.


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