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group/select voronoi pieces by bbox?


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i have a geometry that i am fracturing with voronoi. i need to separate these pieces into active and passive pieces. instead of selecting them by name, i would like to select all the pieces within a bounding box/sphere.

i thought about using a group sop and selecting by bbox, but this selects points or primitives, and not my piece* groups from voronoi.


any ideas?

thank you so much!

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You could assign each a piece number to every point in that piece, then use the bounding box to select points.

this results in a point group and each point has the number of it's parent piece, using this you can then select the whole piece.

for assigning the piece number to the points you probably can use a attribute promote.

For the last step use a for loop to go over every piece and if it has a point in the group add the whole piece just as DASD suggested.

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