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ForEach and Rop Output Driver Problem

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I've got a problem, that I do not understand.


I've got points. I calculate v_length of those points with forEach. Then I do magic trick to delete them based on some values.


And now funny part: if I write them with Rop Output Driver, it writes out... points before magic trick. It also does NOT write attrib @v_length (despite it does write other @xxxxx test value).


I'm little confused why and where am I doing mistake.


Tried earlier versions of Houdini, most current one: same behavior.



Minor things:

1. No I cannot delete point on pop level. Pop in file is just to create points.

2. fluidsource is there because that is a cause and purpose of whole thing. I cannot write out volume from it with foreach operation.




Any tips and help most appreciated.


Edited by ChargingImage
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Aha... this is where my stupidity shines: add attrib in attribvop gives me probably average of all points, bind export gets me per point values. I don't understand why for now, but will get there someday. Probably it just creates attrib with some default value, not per-point attrib.


Case closed. Slap in the ass earned.

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