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Can't read Age outside of POPNET


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Having a bit of a stumble here.  When I add a pointvop to the popnet via connection 1, and read the age, it's just 0, and doesn't change when upon play.

Age works if i put a pointvop inside the poppet, but not outside? How can I get age to work outside the popnet in a pointvop to it's reading the age of the particles

in the popnet correctly?


What I had done was create a voppop inside the popnet and use parameter node to create an ages variable.  Then use another parameter node to bring in ages

into the vopsop connected outside to the popnet.  Why doesn't age just carry over so I could avoid doing it this way?



Okay thanks!

Edited by Syrena
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If you are using POP Network - Old, age is life[0] in seconds.


If you are using POP Network (which is really a DOP Network), then @age works fine.

Grid>POP Network(DOP Network) > Attribute Wrangel with:

f@foo = @age;

reports both @age and @foo correctly as age in seconds. 

Hello Loopy!


I guess I am using the old POP Network. But my problem seems to be this ... POPNET (OLD) [ source > blah blah blah > pointvop (to add noise)]      now POPNET > POINTVOP   (to read age into a variable)

So I string age to a variable, and read in spreadsheet.  Doesn't change. But if I go back into the pointvop inside the POPNET, and string age into a parm node and export as ages, then read it into the pointvop outside the POPNET, the age works like it should in the spreadsheet.  So my question is, why doesn't age carry outside the POPNET into a pointvop?


I understand what you're saying about point wrangling though ;)

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right mouse click on your popnet. age is not an attribute. your pointvop is grabbing incoming values and sorting them like the mail. your mailbox for age is empty.


In your point vop you can import Parameter with name life as Type 2 Floats (vector2). pipe in a vec2tofloat and stuff the fval1 into Cd. Cd is now life0, which is age. This works because you can see the life[2f] as an attribute generated from your popnet. 


please use the dop version of pops, if possible. it's the future. don't you like the future?

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