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Camera background image depth

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Hey, I'm trying to set up a camera with a pre-multiplied image I need for placement in a scene. When I add a background image to my camera it's way too deep - Where is the depth setting to bring the plane closer to the camera? At the moment it sits behind all of my scene elements which isn't very helpful when trying to line up feet. I feel like this is something so simple I'm just overlooking a setting somewhere. 


Quit Edit: I've hacked something together using a grid parented to the camera, which works, but it's a bit jerky. I'd love to know if there's a solution using the camera background image method as it's much quicker to fly around the scene with. 

Edited by adrianr
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I am not sure is it implemented in newest Houdini version but in 14 and older there wasn't such option.


If you use BACKGROUND image for camera it is geometryless, just image sticked to viewort background. Probably computed during viewport finalization process in OpenGL. So when you change view to another camera (without background image) or to user perspective view you will see there is no geometry to handle such projection. However, during viewing through cam with projection image you can change relative size of background image to the size of your scene. Just click LOCK icon (when viewing through cam) and while your cursor is over viewport press "d". In Background->Camera tab now options will be enabled so you can change the size of image so it looks closer to cam. If you want an uniform zoom (that will bring closer to cam your entire scene and background image) use aperture parameter on camera settings. Or screen window size (overscan/underscan) also on camera settings.  


If you want see the plane with image while you are rotating around scene, as I know, you have to use some geometry, like grid. You can always chose to use one camera as projector and another for render so you can change projection parameters (on the first cam) independently of parameters of viewing cam. You can also parent projector cam to your viewing cam and move it relatively across Z axis to achive wider projection.

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