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Painting Mass or Density

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Hi all,

I'm relatively new to Houdini and I'm trying to do something that I know is possible but it's just a bit beyond my current skill level.

What I'd like to do is be able to take an object and paint white values on it, and whatever is white will have more mass (or density) than what is colored black. Is that possible to do? I've seen something similar where you can paint friction but not where you paint density (or mass).

For example, lets say I've got a tube that's laying horizontally and I paint half of it white and the other half completely black. Technically what I want to happen when I make it a rigid body is have the white part start to fall first.

This seems like a fairly simple concept and I've seen it done using TP in Max but I know Houdini is it's own beast. 

If anyone has any ideas or can point me in the right direction that would be fantastic.

Thanks in advance!!


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