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Control Switch with If Statement


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I have two pieces from a RBD simulation - one displaced and the original piece. The displacement looks very nice but now cracks are very apparent before the destruction has taken place (in rest). I thought putting the displaced and original in a switch and telling it to = 1 if @active = 1 may be dumb enough to work. Can som1 share how to do this ( I'm a beginner I know) or perhaps another technique to hide the fracture lines.

I attached the displacement tool , you probably know where it is from :D just bring depth and amplitudes up and should work


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Transfer displaced position to active pieces. Use Attribute Transfer to smooth active attribute in 3D space to get displace on nearby static pieces. When pieces are inactive, they are not affected, so, make pieces active before, which I think you already did. It may be more convenient to compute "@detached" attribute in post-sim stage and use it instead of @active. It allows for more direct approach, in case you have problems with managing @active for this workflow.



Edited by f1480187
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