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uiS[cript]Py uispy is being made availible for free download


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I have decided to make available, uiScriptPy, a python wrapper around Houdini’s uiscript. It has been the result of needs I have had and was largely ripped from another defunct project. It should be considered alpha. I am aware of a couple efforts to do this, however I think uispy is fairly robust and useful. It fills a nice space where simple dialogs beyond hou.ui are needed, but full blown pySide/pyQt may be overkill

Hopefully this will also provide an exploratory opportunity as I plan to document its clean-up on my blog eyevex.com bit by bit in the New year (assuming compatibility with h16 for now). At that time some more examples will be coming, until then feel free to download and poke around.

It is acknowledged, that a few things are broken or missing, some the scripts are a bit hacky, there are places for improvement, and a bit that is completely wrong, but working. This is alpha, which mean it has only been used my myself and really only on a specific setup

Happy Holidays and New Years

[eyevex] (|;-D>


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On 1/2/2017 at 10:22 AM, Stalkerx777 said:

Just leave it here:



At the time i played with this, Houdini was not Qt-based. Now it is, and with each release integration will become better and better. 

This is comprehensive -- not-so-simple, wrapper with much needed functionality for at least my use, as mentioned it was pieced together out of need -- since around 2010, but was part of a larger project. As also mentioned " I am aware of a couple efforts to do this, however I think uispy is fairly robust and useful... " So please do not feel that your efforts were not amongst the acknowledged. Look at the html manual included and see the features -- you dont need to know anything about uiscript to use it, there are enumerations for styles, many otherwise undocumented tags that seem to now work, hopefully you find it useful too... did you give it a spin?

This still currently works in 15.x and uiscript ASFAIK is still used in HDK too... and internally everywhere, but had it feels a nice space when not wanting to use pyQt, (please see original post) but of course do not know the exact future.

Edited by eyevex
hadnt finished
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I think it's really a matter of choice and preferences. For me, Qt it's just the only way to go with colossal flexibility. And since PySide ships with houdini, it's no longer a dependency to take care of. Anyway, the more options we have the better right? :)

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10 hours ago, Stalkerx777 said:

I think it's really a matter of choice and preferences. For me, Qt it's just the only way to go with colossal flexibility. And since PySide ships with houdini, it's no longer a dependency to take care of. Anyway, the more options we have the better right? :)

More options is always best :D Otherwise we would not have both pyside and pyQt.
If uiscript can still be launched inside the ui directly like this going forward, I am considering extending this the last little bit for also doing HDK work for at least my self this would be very useful -- but will see where it goes, what I use it for, if others find it useful and if its possible at all.

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