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Custom hotkeys in the network editor


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So in H15.x I setup so I had a couple of shortcuts for stuff I use all the time, N for creating a null, W for an attribute wrangle, T for a transform, etc, and I'd like to find a way to do this without using a custom shelf, setting the hotkeys that way... So anyone know the easiest way for me to set this up?

Worst case scenario I'll have to dig into the HOM and figure it out myself, but trying to avoid that. ;)


Edited by Farmfield
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 ... as it's friggin annoying with the duplicates you get in the tab menu doing it that way... So anyone know the easiest way for me to set this up?

Alternatively, is there a way where I can create a shortcut shelf as I have before, set up the hotkeys for the items in it, but somehow exclude them from popping up in the tab menu?
^ solved this one, I just didn't use any labels for the shelf items thus they won't register in the tab menu. :)

Edited by Farmfield
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