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Noob Foreach question

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I have an object with 32 prims that I want to iterate over the translation of each one after the other with a foreach loop (not subnetwork) I want to be able to iterate using the "By count method" so that when I pull the iterations slider the prims are translated x units one after the other according to the endices. How can I get the foreach sop's group to iterate through the groups I had assigned to each primitive via the partition node?

Thanx in advance and cheers;


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I found my answer... Very happy to have solved it reading through the docs. Here's a screenshot in case any other total noob like me will ask something alike :) The metadata created form within the begin block holds various metadata (like iteration etc. (hence the name) The iteration needs to be fed into the group names that have been converted into a set of name attributes and the primitive vop that does the operation needs to reside outside the foreach loop.


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