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substep settings for dopnetwork


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Hi, I have substep setting questions when an object(emitter and collider) moves very fast.
I am expecting to change 3 points:

1 dopnetwork > simulation tab > substeps
2 pyroSolver > advanced > min/max substeps
I am not sure which one I need to change the above??

3 emitter (collider) should be produced substep volume(denisty/SDF). From the volume/VDB, can we produce inbetween volume/SDF objects with timeBlend and/or attributeInterpolate? Or actually houdini will automatically handle all the substep sources??  I guess if meshes which are before converting to volume are able to create substep, FluidSOurce and VDBfromPoly nodes could create substep volume. But what if mesh is cached, what's happen?  

Ultimately, I believe ex-colleague showed me that he made a pyro tiny smoke, and created 4x slower motion post-smoke by somehow interpolating.

Thus, if anyone knows substep settings and post-slowmotion voxel anim, I really appreciate it!  





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