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Animated blend via an attribute in CHOPs


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I've been trying to figure out how to make an asset that I can use to blend between 2 states (1 of which is animated).

Basically I want to manipulate a points position based on it's animation rather than between 2 points (linearly). For example if I create an animation of a grid moving up in the Y and twisting in the Y over 24 frames I want to scrub that animation based on an attribute like Cd.x. From my research it seems I'll need to use CHOPs (which I've always struggled with beyond using for lag/spring animations). Is there a way to remap an attribute value like Cd.x (0-1 range) to control each points animation channel (1-24 range)?

Sorry if I'm not explaining myself well here however if anyone can help point me in the right direction - I've tried bring in different states of my test geo into CHOPs (static, animated, color attributes) and tried blending them through different methods (blend, composite, CHOP VOP) without any success.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you

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