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Kd Tree, Oct Tree, Trees?!?

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Ok this is a really dumb question but can someone please help me out an explain to me what all these so called kd tree, octree etc are? I know some information but I am sure I am not looking at the right places...

Also are there any other trees out there too?

Thanks in advance

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Google is your friend.

First link that pops up when you search for kdtree is this


It has a nice java applet that shows you how they work. There are many such applets out there that explain how all the different types of tree work.

All trees are though is a way of partitioning data so that typically you can quickly find parts that are near to a test point. By pre processing the data you create a structure that allows you to quickly determine which bits to discard after a few iterations you end up with the points that are close by.

Vex point clouds use such a methodology and are amazingly quick.

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