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Selected point is not under mouse cursor after extrude

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Over at the sidefx forum they recommended I try installing one of the latest daily builds and that solved my problem.


Hi everyone,

I've just downloaded Houdini Apprentice and am following along with the Houdini Foundations PDF.

When I try and select a point on any object after a polyExtrude has been applied (whether it be the soccer ball created in the PDF, or just a cube) the point that gets selected is some arbitrary point that is not under my mouse.

The picture demonstrates what is happening, the screenshot didn't capture my cursor so I've circled in red the point my cursor was over and you can see in blue the point that is being selected.

I was doing some more testing and I found that if I select the 'Output Back' option in the polyExtrude node I can select components correctly, however, as soon as I turn it off component selection goes crazy. I can't see how or why this should affect my ability to select points and in the Houdini Foundations PDF they don't tick this setting I believe, however they are still able to select points correctly.

Kind Regards,


Edited by kainev
Found solution
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