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multi oceanSpectrum to displace with masks


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Hi, I have a question about how oceanEvaluatenode in SOP, and ocean_samplelayers node in VOP/MAT pick and match up each spectrum and mask.

For instance, I start from shell, ocean flat tank. And go to obj>flattank_fluid_extended. There are node network to create a bake_spectra and bake_masks cache file. They split , cache and merged them, and feed to oceanValuate. From there, I delete hifrequency_mask node and created 1 more oceanSpectrums and 1 more custom mask. After that, I don't know how to make a coupling/group of default spectrum & default mask, and sceond spectrum & customMask, before merging all spectrums and masks to output.

There are primitive names, phase, frequency, amplitude, pointmask, mask  in geometry spreadsheet. I guess they check primitive number or some group attribute to make each displacement group??

Also, what pointmask does do? 





Edited by tagosaku
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