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Retime woes


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I need to retime a cached simulation. So far no problem if I do have a constant playback speed. The way I interpolate the cache should be able to handle changing playback speeds. But here comes the problem.

As the input for the retiming I want a ) the FPS and b ) the current playback speed in form of a curve. Playback speed could change to whatever value. but if the playback speed would be constant the curve would be flat (e.g. constant value of 1 if the playback speed is normal, 2 for double playback speed).

Since the retiming node needs a frame value as the input I need to convert my playback speed curve into a current frame curve. But how is this possible? For the constant playback speed I just need to multiply the FPS by my speed factor. Easy. For my changing playback speed I would need to do this for every frame (current playback speed x FPS) and then add all these values together which are left of the current value in the timeline. This seems to be a rather complicated and slow thing. Especially for longer animations.

I don't have an idea how to solve this practically. Is there some native functionallity hidden CHOPS to solve this? Avoided CHOPS so far completely. : /

Thanks for any tip!!!

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