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Crowds - breaking off layers into RBD


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Hey everyone. I was curious if there was a way to break constraints with an agent layer once they convert to ragdoll. For example, a crowd agent holding a sword, once hit becomes an active ragdoll. The sword is bound to the agent via an agent layer node. In DOPs, I'm trying to access the sword layer to tell it if state=ragdoll, sword's active=1, so that he lets go of his sword and it interacts with the rest of the sim as it falls and takes on any velocity from its original movement.

Currently I can't find any attribute for the prop layer once the agent is packed and ready for dops. The only way I can access it is by name once it's unpacked, but this gets super slow and won't work properly in DOPs.

Anyone know if what I'm trying to do is even possible? Or if there's a better way to do it?


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