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Vellum Solver -- Repulsion Stiffness

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Hey!  For the vellum solver, is there a way to control attributes like repulsionstiffness, repulsionweight, and attractionweight on a perpoint level? using vex  


I was trying something fairly simple--I wanted the repulsionstiffness to be higher when @P.y was greater than 2, and then much lower when the particles got closer to the ground, and was just using a pop wrangle and a condition. 

I did it both ways, a second sop solver with an attribute wrangle inside , and then just a wrangle directly input into the vellum solver.  

Both were a no go.  I also noticed that I couldnt initialize the attributes beforehand and have any affect either :(.   

Any suggestions?-diviing inside the vellum solver I saw that these attributes are assigned via open cl--on that level repuslion stiffness was referred to as kr, is this perhaps part of the problem?   


Ive attached a file and a pic





Edited by Justin K
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