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Import Caches into Dopnetwork to sim

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Hey all, 

Interesting situation I'm trying to solve here.  

I'm trying to set up a simulation that works in the following way:  

I have a branch of a tree that is covered with flower blossoms--currently no blooms have actually 'bloomed' yet.  

These flower blooms are a series of slightly varied wire animations that are cached to disk.  




there are about 50 of these but that's the idea

The flower blossoms are simple wire coils (running along the center of each leaf )--the geometry will be appended later.  Because they are wire objects- they can be brought into a sim and then a sim can be run over them to give the flower blooms some more realistic gravity and the like.  This is something we have already discovered works when we just have one bloom being brought into its own sim, done at the origin for simplicity. 



The issue at hand though is this:

The flower blossoms are supposed to bloom when triggered by the simulation. 

When a bloom is activated, it should activate the cache that is assigned to it, and run the file cache.  Once the file cache is in dops, it can be simmed over--with the start frame of the cache being used at the moment the cache is activated.  

Obviously there is a lot of other things going on here, but that stuff is manageable--this whole calling from cache thing is new to me though--im just hoping its a thing?  



Is there a way to have a dop network trigger cached objects like this?  Does anyone have an experience doing something like this?

Bit outside my realm of experience here.  I finally finished the growth algorithm that is going to trigger the blooming, took way too long lol, but at this point I am just looking for suggestions for how to approach something like this.  

If you need files or any more clarifying info, Ill be more than happy to provide it.


Looking forward to any and all suggestions!






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Just to make sure I understand correctly:

  • You import Frame 1 from your cache as your initial geo
  • You sim this wire in DOPs
  • At a certain point, you want to override the simulated motion with the animation from cache

One approach I can think of would be to change the geo with a wrangle inside DOPs. Ofc there's a ton of things to think about, maybe if you could post your scene (or a simple example of the setup) I could try what I have in mind

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1 hour ago, FlorianEggers said:

Just to make sure I understand correctly:

  • You import Frame 1 from your cache as your initial geo
  • You sim this wire in DOPs
  • At a certain point, you want to override the simulated motion with the animation from cache

One approach I can think of would be to change the geo with a wrangle inside DOPs. Ofc there's a ton of things to think about, maybe if you could post your scene (or a simple example of the setup) I could try what I have in mind

Thanks Florian--

That is pretty much what I am trying to do.  

Today and tomorrow I'll be working on some initial test solutions.  Ill look into your suggestion.  In the interim I will also try to assemble a simplified file that can be used for test purposes and post it here-by Thursday ideally.

I'll keep you posted!



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