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point deform with n numbers of input and deform meshes

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Hey all, 

I'm trying to figure out ways to do this but I'm stumped. I've searched the forum and the web. everything was just a little off from what i'm trying to do. 


2+ different pieces of vellum cloth point deforming a single piece of geometry. 


how to have a single piece of cloth (like pants with both legs) deform ONLY each leg's hires geom. I want there to be zero influence from the left leg pant on the right pant leg etc.  

ideally I'd like to have 2+ painted areas that define what cloth mesh deforms which area.

then be able to plug the painted attributes into group expressions to get point groups.  e.g., groupL would include the left leg hires and the left leg cloth mesh.  and groupR would be the opposite.  And somehow have that be respected in the PointDeform node 

Any help is appreciated. 

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