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"references outside" issues when using groom inside digital asset


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I was wondering if that was a houdini issues or if I was doing something wrong, but after creating a groom for my character and converting the subnetwork containing them into a digital asset, I noticed when saving the digital asset, I got the "the selected subnetwork references to nodes outside" warning. to make sure this wasn't a bad manipulation of me, I tried to create a digital asset into a fresh new scene and simply adding a guidegroom node, and I still got the same warning : 


what should be done to fix that issues, that don't seem like something I can resolve by myself since these path aren't referencing any node and are part of the 'GuideGroom' digital asset. the same issues happen with hairGen and groomMerge.

could this be a bug ?

Thanks for any help!

Edited by SciMunk
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