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Questions about Mike Lyndon COPs video

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Hey there guys.

I was watching this really great video:

And at 1:47 he starts talking about using a Wrangle to get Geometry attributes in UV space into a Volume and then bring it into a SOP network.

So the questions are theoretical and slightly abstract.

1: Why not just use VEX straight in COP to get the same result? Why make the Heightfield first and sample that? I tried doing it myself but the VEX editor in the COP2 network is horrendous! However, this guy is so capable I doubt that would be a problem.

2: Is there a benefit to doing the things he do in COP and not just with volume wrangles? Speed difference for example? I see the benefit in the end with showing it on the model, so you have a good feedback while developing, but besides that?

Now the answers here might just be "for demonstration purposes" or "because it is easier" and that's fine! Just curious if there is something I am not getting right.

Thank you!

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Okay so turns out that just dropping a Snippet in a VOP network makes it much easier and I managed pretty quickly to get the same result directly in COP.

But I STILL have a feeling this is not a good way to go about it.

Since it seems the most straight forward but an experienced Houdini user like Mike goes the other way.

Is it bad practice? Slow? Hard to read?




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