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fastConsolidatePoints() deprecated since H17.5

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It seems that all point consolidation methods pre H17.5 are deprecated and we should switch to using GU_Snap instead. Problem is, there is no GU_Snap in H17.5 or at least I couldn't find it.
It's not a separate file in $HFS/toolkit/include/GU directory and it's not embedded inside any header file in whole $HFS/toolkit/include directory.

Is it not included yet in builds?

Any help?

Edited by bamfbamf
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  • 3 years later...

Now, Houdini19.5, "toolkit\include\GU\GU_Snap.h"

Fuse SOPimage.png.616bae19b8dbc04de75a2eb74f02bfe4.png


I used "snapGrid" successfully like this

void CeshiVerb::cook(const SOP_NodeVerb::CookParms& cookparms) const
    auto&& sopparms = cookparms.parms<CeshiParms>();
    GU_Detail* detail = cookparms.gdh().gdpNC();
    GU_Detail qgdp;
    GA_RWHandleV3 Phandleq(qgdp.findAttribute(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "P"));
    GU_Snap::GridSnapParms parms;
    parms.myGridSnapType = 0;
    parms.myXLines = 1;
    parms.myYLines = 1;
    parms.myZLines = 1;
    parms.myXOff = 0;
    parms.myYOff = 0;
    parms.myZOff = 0;
    parms.myTol = 10;
    parms.myPosH = Phandleq;
    GU_Snap::snapGrid(qgdp, parms);

But "snapPoints" has something wrong

    GU_Detail qgdp;
    GU_Snap::PointSnapParms parms;
    parms.myDistance = 0.1;
    parms.myAlgorithm = GU_Snap::PointSnapParms::SnapAlgorithm::ALGORITHM_LOWEST_POINT;
    parms.myQPosH = qgdp.getP();
    parms.myTPosH = qgdp.findAttribute(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "P");
    GU_Snap::snapPoints(qgdp, NULL, parms);


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