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VDB From Primitive

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A simple question but I can't seem to get the answer.

I need to convert a sphere primitive to a volume, when I do this with a VDBfromPoly instead of the VDB showing up as a perfect sphere I get this low res sphere similar to what you would get with a low frequency poly sphere (see screenshot)

Is there something to tweak to get a perfect sphere, or is there a better way to to convert from a primitive straight to a volume?

P.S. The reason I need to do this is because Im copying a few hundred thousand spheres to points and if I try to do this with poly spheres houdini crashes always.. only way I seem to be able to do it is by keeping the original sphere a primitive.



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Instead of using spheres, you could just replace each sphere with a point at it's centre and assign it a pscale attribute which is the radius of the sphere. Then you can use vdbfromparticles and get a perfect sphere for each one.

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Thanks guys you are geniuses. Tony I already had the points with the pscale on them thats where I was copying the sphere to! Did not know I could go straight to VDB from particles, neat one!

Evan that one slipped by, would have saved a lot of headaches. Thanks for the help!

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