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Eftpos machine paper

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Hey everyone,

so at the moment I'm trying to simulate paper coming out of a eftpos machine and bunching up. So far I have got a result but I feel like I've gone about it a very tedious way and would like to understand/learn how to simulate this effect but maybe a more efficient way. as you can see I've used velocity to force the paper through a small block to keep it in the position but I think the problem is that the friction is causing it to slow down at random times and it's not consistent. I was hoping for something more constant as if it's been pushed along a path and when it reaches a certain point it is no longer bounded to the spline and the movement from it being pushed along the spline acts as the velocity. 

pretty much I would like to set something up so if I want to change the angle that it projects from I can, if I was to do it with this set-up the gravity would make it fall.

I'm very new to houdini and really only understand the very basics of vellum as my main program is cinema4d, so if there is no solution for this it is no problem I'll probably just use what I have.





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