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Karma and instancing

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Hello all! 

I am currently playing around with Karma, and trying to get comfortable working with USD and LOPs, but I've run into a problem regarding on how I get instanced geomatry implemented inside my stage/LOP network. If anyone has any ideas, or suggestions it would be highly appreciated! 2.png.234d414a75e01ab3e7c92c4e4f4cc988.png This is what I want to get into my stage/LOP network. 1.png.0ad076a392c218341d4fc2fe758b8b91.png This is how my network is looking inside my normal OBJ network.


4.png.f9d3496b6ee12b7d05e697167cb59083.png This is how it looks inside my stage / lopnet, it seems like it can easily get my points from my instance node. 3.png.d5130b4fac5d130676a55d2552ab049c.png And lastly, inside my lop network, not quite sure how I continue from here. Thanks in advance! 8-) 

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