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Simple question about Materials and Karma

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I'm very new with Houdini, so the question might sounds silly to some, but I am trying to apply some Texture images through the Lopnet.


This is how it looks in the viewport, but when I dive into the Lopnet, I apply the material but it won't show anything.


Could I ask what am I missing here?


Thank you

Edited by Jack16277
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Thank you for the solution, it did work!


Although now I am having somehow a similar issue

I have tried different forums/reddit, but I can't find solutions.
I am working on a procedural landscape, and I am using Karma (I am following this tutorial https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/the-complete-a-z-terrain-handbook/)
I have two/three things that I would like to ask, but this one is probably the most problematic:
I have created a rock with external softwares, mesh and textures. I have applied the textures creating the material and it seems to work well with Mantra and Karma.
But when I use the Copy to Point, the texture disappears if I use Karma (it works in Mantra)
Forgot to mention that the textures works in Karma before the Copy to Point!
Could it be a bug, therefore would it be better to switch to Mantra? I hope not since the script need Karma to generate the terrain (textures + displacement comes from COps and it shows only a flat plane in Mantra)
Thank you again for your help (I am a bit clueless at the moment)
Edited by Jack16277
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