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Vector with array[x] doesn't work

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Helloo !
I can't understand why I can't put my "list[c]" in my vector variable here is my script in attribut wrangle:

float list[];
vector distanceListDetail[];
	list= {1,2,3,4,5};
distanceListDetail = {{1,1,22},{2,3,1},{1,2,3},{3,2,1},{0,1,0}};
	for (int c = 0; c < len(list); c++)
    printf("%f\n", list[c]);
    vector test = { 0,list[c], 0};
	    push(distanceListDetail, test);

the problem is here it gives me an error and I can't understand why even by setting the value by hand it works if someone can help me : vector test = { 0,list[c], 0};

thanks for your help

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Hello Killian,

The error is at line 8.

vector test = { 0,list[c], 0};

This is because VEX doesn't allow you to put variables into curly brackets {}.
I don't know the reason, but I would guess it has something to do with optimisation and knowing the value beforehand. Don't quote me on that.

Use the set() function instead, it takes care of that.

vector test = set( 0, list[c], 0);
Edited by Alain2131
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