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dynamic conetwist constraint hardening by impact not working


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Hi all, 

I'm trying to create a custom setup for the ragdoll solver to retrieve impacts and write that impulse strength to the nearest constraint to create a kind of localised plasticity/hardening effect, as if yhr ragdoll was made of welded metal. Its very confusing as I have the setup working perfectly in a sop solver inside the ragdol dop hooked up to the pre-solve, and inside there i'm getting impact at the location, accumulating it in yet another nested sop solver and writing that to an attribute, but no matter what i name that attribute it doesnt 'survive' the trip back up to sop land and also i can't write it meaningfully to any solver recognised attributes that would effect the stiffness of the joints like `motor_maximpulse` . 

Could anyone with some experience of sops/dops interfaces advise me as to why this might be happening? I tried a very simple prim wrangle that just sets motor_maximpulse to the global `@Time`, which does survive the trip back up to the sop root level and subsequently also does apply to the constraints and cause them to gradually harden, so that leads me to believe that its the ability of my sop solver to set a persistent/accumulating attribute that is somehow disabled... but i have no idea really. Feels like theres an obscure checkbox somewhere on a node that needs setting to something unguessable.... would appreciate any help. 

have attached a video attempting to demonstrate the issue and a hip file for anyone thats curious



edit: seems like i just needed to plug the sop solver into the post solve input lol




Edited by hmihalis1
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