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Vellum Shape-Match not staying together

Stephen Moroz

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Hi everyone,

I've been having issues with vellum's new shape match feature and wondered if anyone could help. Essentially I've got a strap with a metal buckle on it. The buckle is a single shape match piece, as I don't want it to deform. However I've found that under tension the shapematch grains get pulled apart. This only happens when the mass of the shape match grains is set quite low, however I need it to be this low otherwise the buckle acts as if it's super heavy and weighs down on the strap.

I have created an example scene to demonstrate, using a simple box as the buckle:



I have attached the hip file. If anyone could offer any guidance as to how to fix this, I would be extremely grateful!

strapWeightExample.hipncFetching info...



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