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How To Make Geometry "grow" Randomly.

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Hi all,

My first post her...

I'm working on a project where I use music through CHOPs and deforming some geometry to beat of the music.

Question; is there any way to make a simple poly box extrude it self randomly using its new primitives for new extrusions?

Any help appreciated :)


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You'd have to have a script run every time it extruded, or maybe just every frame that wrote out the geometry to disk and then read it back in at the top of the chain.

Or better yet maybe you could do it via a DOPs sop solver...

Not sure how you'd link it to the chop network for triggering.

The first idea would be easy enough, each frame the network will cook, just put down an extra sop like a transform sop, put !* in the group field and something to run your script, eg run("sou mySaveScript.cmd") in the tx parameter, and $F in the ty field.

Edited by sibarrick
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Thanks sibarrick,

My scripting skills are not the best yet so I came up with an idea of using the group sop and randomizing the direction and spread angle of the normals with simple expressions. I kind of gave me what I want, but I still can't figure out how to "loop" this action. But like you said, I could write out every frame to disk and then read back in at the top. Do I have to use a script to do this or is there another way? Any help to get on that script if it's needed?

Edited by snailfish
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