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Siggraph 2007 Planning


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does anyone have the dates for H related events? I need to book my time now, and I wont be able to stay the whole week.

Is anyone here involved in any courses or presentations? I am trying to build my short list as well...


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Our current plans for SIGGRAPH involve the following:

- Masterclass lessons on Monday in San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina (attached to convention center)

- Show floor from Tuesday to Thursday

- Houdini Meeting and Party of Tuesday night (walking distance from convention center)

- Hands-on Houdini 9 training in San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina (attached to convention center)

We will not be holding any events over the weekend therefore the main days of interest to existing Houdini users is Monday and Tuesday. More details and registration will follow around the end of June/early July.

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