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HOUDINI Under Ftrack - endless stream of errors in console


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Posted (edited)

Hi !
We use houdini as primary software in connection with pipeline management system Ftrack.
It used to be ok for a long time, but not that long ago something went wrong.
Houdini being started from ftrack launcher generates endless stream of errors like this




But when Houdini is started directly without ftrack - everything goes fine
I understand, that it regards ftrack plugin/scripts, but I can not define what script may invoke such behavior, because houdini freezes at this moment

May be somebody faced such errors or just may give an advice where should i start digging from.

setting HOUDINI_UI_QUEUE_SIZE does not help....

Houdini 20.0.751 py3.9
Ftrack Connect 2 Py3.9

Thanx in advance !!!


Edited by NikWG
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