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Houdini UI needs an overhaul


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I've made some mockups of my dream Houdini UI and I was hoping to talk a little about them with all of you. No harm in just discussing, right?

If can you do me a favor — just please take a look at it. Fullscreen it on your big monitor and see if you: 
- Find anything unintuitive.
- Can't find something.
- Think there are any critical flaws / mistakes.
- Have any suggestions / requests / questions.
- Want to share your overall thoughts
- etc. etc.

Download hi-res mockups (4K):

Download hi-res mockups (8K):


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  • none of these really add much to usability
  • flat single-color icon palettes are not really in vogue anymore and make it harder to discern between tools
  • the text labels are unreadable when embedded into nodes, especially when names are long
  • roll-out property drawers aren't adding anything new that you can't already get by pressing P or whatever
  • of all the things you choose to add to the limited real estate of the timebar, you want to include an FPS control? how often does one change the FPS of a shot during production? what is the value add?

it kinda just seems like you're used to a GUI that's more like blender and you want houdini to follow suit? but little of this is adding any usability, it's just a reskin.

Edited by toadstorm
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I like it, feels way more responsive and modern. If it was a downloadable skin I'd download it this very moment. I like how you uniformed all the icons to a single alpha shape, but I think it would require too much work to design every icon this way.
I know the new houdini has some improvements in terms of visualizing attributes but where I work we use19.0383 so I don't know the current state of houdini that well :D 

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