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Replicating Complex Organic Geometry


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Hi ladies and gents,

I have a very complex (triangulated) organic reference model that I am trying to replicate using polygons. The model is hollow (one continuous surface after cookie'ing everything together), but it contains multiple chambers, and tubes going out from the chambers which connect with one another in certain areas. I have attempted to use a subdivided cube with the RAY SOP to form the shape of the geometry, but unfortunately the primitive faces that go out towards the surface of the reference model are intersecting in parts due to the directions of the cubes primitive faces (leaving me with a mess of geometry). I was trying to create a multi-directional vein of sorts (by polyextruding a cube) so that I could put it through the ray SOP in order to achieve a continuous polygonal surface, but its giving me a hard time :( .

If anyone has any suggestions for me of ways in which I could manipulate the RAY SOP to achieve my polygonal replica, or any alternate method, I would very much appreciate the advice and direction.

Thanks for your time.

Kind regards,


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