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Camera background image misaligned

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I have a background image attached to a camera that is slightly offset, maybe 2% off but enough to cause a problem. The culprit is apparently in the display settings--when I turn off "Apply Zoom to Background" it works as it should. (I'm auto-placing it for precision--it's the same dimensions as the camera so fill, horizontal, vertical all do the same, and it's too hard to line up the values manually to not auto-place it.) The problem is that as soon as I click away and on to something else, Apply Zoom comes back, checked in the dialogue box and messing up my image. How can I make it stay off? The camera is an alembic, tracked in and imported from Blender--I'm guessing there's some sort of thing I need to tick to compensate.


If I create a new camera the bg image lines up fine, so it has something to do with the imported camera. (In Blender, the imported camera works fine with the background image--it lines up perfectly.)

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Found it, in case someone else runs into this: in the imported camera's properties (within the Alembic xform subnet)there are "screen window x/y" parameters, which were purple. I removed the expressions and replaced them with 0 and now it lines up just right!

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