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Can't get chramps to work with POP curve force


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I can't get the pop curve forces (scalefollow, scalesuction, scaleorbit) to work with chramps based on a normalized age attribute. The vexpressions work if I enter other variables/attributes/values, just not ramps. I don't have this problem with other pop forces (i.e. wind or drag), which handle the ramps beautifully. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Edit: SOLVED! (Thanks to Toadstorm on the Houdini Discord.) Turns out POP Curve Force is apparently a fundamentally different thing than POP wind and POP drag, in that the Vexpressions don't live in the same place on the node as the forces (or something like that). I made the force multiplier, ramped and all, earlier in the chain on the same POP wrangle where I created the normalized age attribute, and called that new attribute instead, and it works.

Hopefully I'm not the only person to ever have this problem, and this post lives on as salvation to some poor soul in the future, instead of an enduring legacy of my daftness.




Edited by bentway23
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