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Houdini 20.5.445 rendering slow

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Hi, I am using H 20.5.445, windows 11, two high end Nvidia cards-trying to render a single frame, to be about 11" X 8", trying to  render 3-4 million particles,  rendering very slow, on XPU, have not tried CPU yet,  any revelations from anyone, greatly appreciated, Thank you, Craig

PS-also, rendering in the scene view takes forever!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Could be due to several reasons, hard to say with this few info. Slowness may not depend on your hardware, but rather on your scene optimization. Make sure to:

- delete the attributes you don't need in render

- remove points outside camera frustum

- cache everything just before going to render

- check your render samples, ray bounces and limits, motion blur settings

If nothing works, proceed with and old fashioned debug: strip the setup to the essentials and take a simple test render for every step. Try to isolate and locate the anomaly.



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