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Houdini RBD building destruction, guide sim, constraint

Kaito Ishikawa

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Hello. I make a shot with a video of the collapsing building as a Reference. I've been researching RBD for a week and I'm not sure what to do next.

I did some research and found that I needed to do the following;

  • make Guide sim
    I found that by creating a Guide sim, I needed to specify the direction in which the building would fall.
    However, I don't know how to separate the boxes (one box or two boxes) and what settings to use for this kind of collapse. I don't understand the relationship between guide sim and constraint.
  • Destroy the pillar using velocity
    I saw a tutorial on using velocity to destroy the pillar that triggered the collapse, but it wouldn't work without destroying the constraint, and although it worked using sop solver, all the constraints were deleted.
  • Gradual disintegration
    This time, as the pillars are broken, they need to gradually collapse, but if we just destroy the pillars, they won't collapse, so we need to make the constraint disappear in relation to this.
    What do I need to do to make it fall apart gradually?

What should I do first?

In what order should I proceed to reproduce the videos in this reference? Do I need to do anything else?
Also, please let me know if you have any recommendations for tutorials on doing these.
I would rather use rbd bullet solver than dop net for guide sims, but if all this can be done, then dop net is fine!

I study Houdini by myself. Please help all of you wonderful artists of od force as I have no one around me who can ask to it!

I've prepared a project file that work in progress.
I hope you will try some things and let me know.

Edited by Kaito Ishikawa
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