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Partial Fracture using RBD Material Fracture

Nathan Cooper

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If I want my RBD Material Fracture to only effect the top half of my geo, what’s the process?

So far, I’ve split the geo into two using an RBD Material Fracture with a custom cutter grid. Then I’ve outputted it into two Blast nodes - one for the top half and one for the bottom half.

I then fractured the top half again and now want to connect it back to the bottom half.

However when I do this using RBD Pack (for both halves), merge, RBD Unpack, then the bullet solver… the top and bottom half slide apart.

This is an issue as I only want the cracks in the top half to break… not the slice between the two parts.


I’m sure there’s gotta be a way to have the glue between the top/bottom halves be super strong whilst the glue within the top half’s cracks can be super weak.


Any help would be massively appreciated!

Thank you!

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