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Houdini Books

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Hi everyone,

I'm just a beginner for Houdini but I really have passion to learn it. I checked online and found two books about Houndini.

"Houndini On the Spot" -- Houndini 9

"the Magic of Houndini" -- Houndini 8

I read some reviews about the two books and noticed that "Houndini On the Spot" is mostly about great tips for Houndini, based on the experience of the author.But one review from Amazon suggested that this book is not the kind of book trying to introduce everything systematically.

So I'm thinking, as a beginner, I'd better to read "the Magic of Houndini" first. But someone said that the difference of interface between v8 & v9 may make you frustrated when learning.

So what's your advice for these two books? how to use them? Does it really matter with interface differences? Is there any great thing that I can learn from "Magic of Houndini" despite the different versions?


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The Magic Of Houdini is a great book to understand how you approach problems and solve them in houdini using some common tasks that anyone in CG can relate to. Yes the interface has changed quite a lot from H8 to 9 but if you search the forums you will probably see that most have been answered already. If you do get stumped somewhere and can't resolve the issue, just ask here on the forums.

The book focuses primarily on the networks and that part has not changed. There are a lot of tips and hints in the book that are well worth it. It is a deep book as is Houdini. Light on fluff (pictures) and heavy on the knowledge.

Houdini On The Spot is a great book once you get familiar with Houdini. Lots of time savers in there.

Good Luck.

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