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Mantra Fur Procedural and CVEX Vop problems


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Hi Everyone!

I have a problem that I have to deal with: I have to render a grass field built of painted file texture strokes, blown by a wind that I have to set up for each shot.

Because of the huge amount of strokes that I have to deform, I decided to build a CVEX VOP network. That network bends the hairs individually and works correctly if I connect it to a fur node's guide shader. But it fails during render when I try to use it on a mantra fur procedural node. Why? Any Idea? That is one of the problems but not the worst...

To skip this artifact I decided to modify the built in fur style cvex vop network. The solution for bending is not correct there ( something like the twist node's bend ) but good enough for me now and the fur procedural can handle it also. But I have difficulties with the CVEX Vop. If I make a string parameter to drive the shader to get different file textures for each hair, I cannot export it onto the points. Integer and float works, but the string type not.

So do anybody has any idea how to put different texture to each hair primitive using mantra fur procedural?




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I found out a way to set different file texture for each hair. Not the most elegant but it works:

On the Mantra fur procedural node tur on Set Hait ID checkbox so you can use it in the shader. Bring in like any other parameter and connect it to a modulo and after that to a switch node. create as many string constans as you wish containing the file name and set the modulo to the number of constans minus one. So the switch can set the filenames for the hairs like a sequence.


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