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Transperency maps

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I am trying to cut out the shape of a feather using a transperacy map, this map is applied to a rounded box shape. I am trying to use a Vex Super material. Under the Vex Super material texture section I applied a tif image in the shape of a feather where the shape of the feather is in white, I also tried this with a .targa image.

I applied a UVTexture in SOPs before the shader SOP don't know if that helped, also I set the "tranchan" in the Vex super mat to alpha. In photshop I made sure that the tif settings used transperancy. Not sure what is going on here. Here is the image I am using for the transperancy.


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ok, this is a quick walkthrough:

in shops, in your supermaterial, go to the OpenGL tab, all the way at the top. Put your image in the Texture Map field.

Under the regular Parms, go to the Properties tab, and also put the path to your image under 'aparamap' and 'aperpmap'. (shame on you sesi... couldn't you have made this easier to read? It's supposed to be alpha paralel and alpha perpendicular (to camera) ).

ok, done in shops. now to sops:

just for kicks, put down a grid. Append a shop sop and source your super material. Now append a uvproject sop, go to the Initialize tab, and hit Initialize.

Now you should see your leaf alpha on the grid. If you render now, it should correctly cut out your leaf.

Cool, hope that helped (and hopefully I didn't insult anyone's inteligence by taking baby steps :P )



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Anakin- worked really well thank you, oh btw insult my intellegence all you want, as long as am learning something new its all good.

It seems when it comes to shaders in Houdini everything is whacked out. Like adding a simple noise to my diffuse channel, or creating a bump map, it is so unlike any other 3d app.

I'm thinking that is because Mantra, Vex, and Shops were created with Rendrman type shaders in mind, so you have almost unlimited mastery over your shading but have to understand Renderman Shaders to really do anything. I miss just being able to double click in the bump map slot or transperancy slot and apply a procedual noise or an image. But I will get this Vex stuff one day damn it.


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Yeah, it is very different from other packages, because you can't plug one shader into another, so you can't plug a noise shader into your diffuse values. If you wanted a shader to do that, you'd have to write it so that it had the option available...

I think sesi needs to really expand their shader library, and supply us with some very solid basic shaders, and then make those vops as well, so that we can more easily edit them (because if you had a vex supermaterial vop, you could just plug a noise vop into the diffuse input, and voila).

oh well... vops are pretty darn nice, but I'm not sure how easy they are to understand if you've never dealt with shaders before. The videos sesi supplies are certainly a great start.

Anyhoo, hope all works out.



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