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importing camera and geometry data in Houdini


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Hi there! :)

I'm having problems importing camera and geometry data from pftrack and syntheyes into houdini. The matchmoving software exports a .geo file and a cmd file. When I run the script

using a typical windows path (ex: D:\Folder\...\....\file.cmd) houdini output an error saying "Source failed, D:\Folder does not exist".

I then copied all the exported data into a folder on my desktop, and tried to run the script using the Desktop icon in the "Select File...\Locations" window. So when I select the file from here houdini can import the camera and locators (but not the geo or the sequence image to use from COPs as a backgroud... :blink: ...) but I noticed that it puts the variable $JOB in front of the path (ex: $JOB/Desktop/.../file.cmd).

Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks so much!



EDIT: ...ok, now I have the plate in the background. I've created a new copnet (at scene level) and read the seq from here. This way it works...uhm...but if I create the copnet at image level houdini says that can't read the files...

Edited by alessio
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Hey Alessio

Welcome to odforce!

$JOB is a environmental variable used within houdini, this is setup under ur "alias and variables menu" (under EDIT)

- then under Variables

so if u set this to fill in what is missing when refering to $JOB/Desktop/.../file.cmd

if the path is actually c:/my computer/Desktop/../file.cmd

Then ur $JOB needs to be = c:/my computer/

excuse my lack of windows knowledge, but this is cross platform, cause essentially when the script is launched it will substitute the $JOB with ur entry to make up the whole line as it should be :$JOB/Desktop/.../file.cmd = c:/my computer/Desktop/../file.cmd

Hope this fixes the problem


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