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hbatch and hdaModules issue


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I've been messing around with hbatch and I noticed a small problem. None of my hdaModule attributes are being recognized in my hdas. Basically, any of the functions that exist in my hdaModules() are virtually nonexistant. hbatch recognizes that the hda contains a python module, it just doesn't contain anything. I'd post a file but there are so many dependencies for these hdas that I would basically have to upload our entire pipeline. Am I missing something? Have any of you ran into this before, or know of a workaround? I'll keep digging around. It's probably something completely trivial that I forgot to do.

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Apparently it was an environment variable/PYTHONPATH issue. I had to set the environment variables before houdini was loaded, since any environment variable additions/changes weren't recognized by my hdas after hbatch started up.

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